Suzuka Chpts. 1-64
6 July 2007
Okay, okay, I can’t take this anymore, I can’t take this anymore! I’ve been trying to plow through all 150 something chapters of Suzuka before I watch the anime and what not. I’ve been trying to not say anything until I’m completely done with all of it, trying not to rant about anything. But! But! I can no longer stand this. I can’t! It’s so painful!
ASuzuka, for whatever Godforsaken reason, is the most annoying female love interest I’ve ever, ever seen in media of any sort be it a book, movie, manga or anime.
That’s it. Oh man, I want to rip her into little tiny pieces and burn them and then bring her back from the dead and do it again. I can’t stand her! I don’t understand her to begin with and it adds to my irritation. Moreover, the fact that she is the main protagonist’s love interest and that eventually they will end up together bothers me even more! What do Yamato see in her? What does he see? Is true love really blind? She is, quite frankly, a bitch!
So, Yamato spends the entire 64 chapters pining for her attention. He asks her out, gets rejected. He’s going out with Honoka, breaks up because he still has feelings for her. And all the way she acts like she’s the fucking queen of the goddamn world. The most disturbing and most childish thing is how fickle, how aggravatingly fickle she is.
To illustrate: Okay, so Yamato and Suzuka are together in a laundromat. Alright, that’s normal. She comments on how she would never keep so much dirty laundry. Yamato just laughs. Some pages later, Yamato offers her cake. She blatantly rejects his offer. Alright, he’s used to being rejected by her. She then asks for him to go the store because she doesn’t want to take out her underwear in front of him. Before he leaves, she suddenly gets hungry and now wants cake! And then, and then! For the first time, I think, Yamato comments on how childish her behavior is. I’m screaming and jumping for joy! Couple panels later, “I still like Asahina-chan very much!”
God, how can anyone stand her? Why is so bitchy and fickle and unpleasant? Why is she the title character? Why does Yamato have to be in love with her? Why? WHY!?
At first, I thought she was alright, I mean, eh, so she’s up tight and bossy, they all start out that way. But her personality has just been getting worse. It’s cliche, I know, to have a love-hate relationship in romance, but this is a I want to kill you because you are just so damn annoying romance. Everything she says, everything, is mean and negative and obnoxious. She has nothing nice to say to Yamato at all, yet she insists on opening her mouth.
What is the most disturbing and irritating of all of her personality traits is the fact that you can tell so goddamn easily that she likes Yamato. Yet, yet, every time anyone brings it up she runs away screaming, “I hate Yamato!” Right then and there, the little short haired, semi-disproportional, high jump track team star just turned into silly high school girl with a stuck up her ass.
She has a problem with people who are careless, I have a problem with people who have a total disregard for other people’s feelings and are just plain stupid!
I must sound so silly right now, yelling and screaming about how stupid dear ol’ Asahina-chan is, but I can’t help it. She pisses off, people like her piss me off.
Honestly, Asahina as a character is a collage of things I hate in people. Her character doesn’t even feel coherent, she goes from one phase to another and you wonder if there are really people like that other. There are no explanations behind her enigmatically annoying actions. She’s practically in love with Yamato but acts like a bitch anyways towards him. Can she not see past her own face and accept other people? Am I missing some big hidden plot development? Why must she be this way?
Who the hell does she think she is? WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK IS?!
She’s making me want to stop reading Suzuka. Shame really, I was just starting to get into it.
lmao… i hated suzuka with such a passion too. and i only saw the anime. the male character was an idiot beyond redemption. he had a perfect girl but he still wanted a bitch to the core. pardon my french.
u should put up a system so u can see latests posts
I honestly stopped reading because I couldn’t stand her. I really couldn’t, for the life of me, understand the point of it after a while. He gets the cute, nice, “I cook for you” girl but he STILL wants Suzuka. I want to slap him. Honestly. I agree with you in every single way possible, bitch to the core.
I guess I should put up the recent post widget, O_o. XD
I’m also tempted to stop reading. Honestly, Yamato gets the nice, sweet and affectionate girl. Then, after all the girl has done for him, he goes for the cold, frigid bitch. Right then, I wanted to slap him to Canada. I mean, why? Why go after the cold, frigid bitch that yelled that she despised your presence?
Even my best friend went, “Boy, what is wrong with you?! Has all that running got to your brain?!”