Posts Tagged ‘soul eater’
A little bit of Soul Eater, a lot of Darker Than Black and why I love BONES… · 27 May 2008
Soul Eater, so it seems, is the only show this season that’s inspiring me to write anything. Granted, it’s really the only thing I’m keeping up with, but every episode just leaves me with the urge to impart on the world my two minutes of random commentary. For starters, can I just say how much […]
Soul Eater – 06, Awesome Kid! Awesome cannons! · 18 May 2008
Most people hate the Michael Bay FiOS Commercial. I’m actually quite fond of it. It’s Michael Bay making fun of himself (Awesome!), which gets ridiculously annoying after a while (Awesome!) and then stuff blows up (Awesome!). Soul Eater, is, for better or for worse, Michael Bay awesome. Hopefully, it won’t get ridiculously annoying after a […]